Drug Free Safety Program 10/15/25
You don't want to miss this training. It is another opportunity for workers' compensation savings as well!
These educational sessions offered through Sheakley are designed to help employers meet the initial and refresher training requirements for the Drug-Free Safety Program (DFSP). Proof of attendance will be provided. They do NOT qualify for external training credit in the safety council program.
View Flyer- Employee Education (7:30 am-8:30 am) meets current DFSP Employee Education requirements. This seminar reviews what constitutes substance use, misuse, and consequences for violating company policies; substance use signs and symptoms; effects of commonly used drugs in the workplace; and assistance employees can receive if they have substance problems.
- Refresher Supervisor Training (8:45 am-9:45 am) meets current DFSP Refresher Supervisor Training requirements for all those supervisors who have already completed the Initial Supervisor Training.
- Initial Supervisor Training (10:00 am-12:00 pm)
- Topics will include: Drug testing and reasonable suspicion assessment; How to recognize a possible alcohol/drug problem; How to document behaviors that demonstrate an alcohol/drug problem; How to confront employees with the problem from observed behaviors; How to initiate reasonable suspicion and post-accident testing; Implementation of Employee Education
- This training will meet the requirements for the Ohio BWC's Drug-Free Safety Program and the Substance Use Recovery and Workplace Safety Program.
Learning Objectives:
- The importance of implementing a program
- Drug-Free Safety Program discount levels
- Program requirements
- Safety reporting requirements
- Program compatibility
Co-Sponsored by West Central Ohio Safety Council

Date and Time
Wednesday Oct 15, 2025
7:30 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
October 15, 2025
Session 1 - Employee Education 7:30 am - 8:30 am
Session 2 - Refresher Supervisor 8:45 am - 9:45 am
Session 3 - Initial Supervisor 10:00 am - Noon
Each Session is $30.
Contact Information
Deb Katzenmeyer
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